Digital & Sustentable
Marketing Agency
DESANDA, our Digital & Sustainable Marketing Agency was born in Buenos Aires in 2014 with the main mission of offering Strategy, Digital Marketing and Sustainable Communication for companies in Argentina and beyond.
Building memorable brands and developing an effective Digital Marketing strategy is an exciting task. Rethink business objectives, discover the purpose of the brand and create the necessary tools to reach each audience, an exciting responsibility.

Our Focus
Porque crecimos en un ambiente digital, respiramos internet y vivimos con redes sociales, un grupo de profesionales de la comunicación, marketing digital y diseño, creamos Desanda. Desde Argentina, hacemos lo que más nos gusta para lograr resultados de primera calidad. Somos expertos en…
Brand Build – Strategy
Building innovative brands is an exciting task. Rethink business objectives, discover the purpose of the brand, create a solid strategy and develop the necessary tools to reach each audience, an exciting challenge.
Digital Campaings & Ads
With hundreds of digital possibilities, building positioning requires knowing the consumer’s online behavior, measuring the audience’s fingerprint and drawing solid strategies based on what they really expect from their brands.
Social media content marketing and full management
Understanding the bonds that unite people, their aspirations and their ways of thinking inspire the spirit of community. To find how they perceive their favorite brands allows us to draw more efficient strategies, meaningful messages and solid long-term relationships.
Web + Landings & Mobile APPs
We develop brands owned media platform, following the latest technological trends of the market, focused on the user experience (UX).
The Team

Co Founder / Director

Co Founder / Director



Social Media


Web & App Developer

They trusted us